Thursday, April 25, 2013


Ben: Hello, I’m here with Wang Wei and I'm going to ask him a series of questions.

Wang Wei: It’s good to be here.
Ben: I know. Okay first question, what do you do for a living?

Wang Wei: I am famous for writing poems and creating various paintings. Citzens would watch me paint and be amazed at my ability. Also, I was considered one of the three greatest poets during the Tang Dynasty. I was actually one of the reasons the Tang Dynasty was the Golden Age of art and literature.

Ben: Very interesting. What did you do before you started painting and writing?

Wang Wei:  I used to be a musician, I studied for the first years of my life. I was an excellent student in school. I passed every exam and exceeded in all of them. Soon after school I became the Assisant Secratary of Music in Shenshi.  After retiring from music I worked for the government in Chang'an and other large cities. I retired from the government to start painting and writing.

Ben: Fascinating. Tell me more about you and your family.
Wang Wei: Well I was born in 699 A.D. and I will die in 766 A.D. My father was a government official and was very succesful. My mother was succesful to. I was born and raised in the Chinese district of Qi. I was oldest child in my family. My family was religous and we studied and took part in Buddhism.

Ben: Your family sounds wonderful. Where did you get your inspiration for  your outstanding poems and paintings?

Wang Wei: I got my inspiration for my poems and paintings from Buddhism. As you know, Buddhism was a big part in my family. Also, each of my paintings and poems represented the beauty of nature and its illusions. So religion and nature took a big part in my fabulous poems and paintings.

Ben: Wow, you are just something! Last question, tell our viewers more about your artwork and poems. What is your most famous poem and painting?

Wang Wei: OK! Well I have written almost 400 poems and they are all amazing. But my most famous poem is most likely the "Wang River Collection", including my poem "Deer Park". For my paintings though, I honestly don't know because they're are so many. I like to think all of my poems and paintings are the most famous.

Ben: Well it's been good to have you hear! I hope we can meet again.

Wang Wei: We won't.

Ben: Ok.

Wang Wei Link!


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